Monday, October 8, 2007

Just a note...

Dear all,

For the past 2 weeks I've been updating this site nearly everyday. I've been reading up on new stuff released, hoping to share it with all my readers. I've also racked my brains trying to put my knowledge down into simple instructions that can be understood by everyone. Unfortunately, this site is just starting to take up way too much time in my life.

So, I just want to say that maybe it's time I took some time to actually use my PSP, you know, like play games on it? Logan's Shadow is out, I've barely played it. So is Final Fantasy Tactics, although it sucks cos it's laggy, the PSX version is the same and much better. I'm only through Crisis Core halfway, and I've been stuck at Reims in Jeanne D'Arc since forever.

Updates are going to slow down, but I'll still be here to reply your emails, and to answer your questions in the little chat box on the right.

+1 for PSP :)

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